Build Your Yoga Business

This blog will share tested marketing techniques that will help yoga teachers grow their business.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Odd Couple - Yogini and Marketer

Hi Yoga Teacher,

Sometimes being a student of yoga is so frustrating.
Sara my teacher keeps telling me to be patient. But
it sooo hard.

My employees used to joke that if you looked up the word
"multi-tasking" in the dictionary, you'd see my name as
the definition.

That's why yoga was so hard for me. Putting my brain
[and my ego] in park was very difficult.

Fortunately, I was putty is Sara's patient hands.

And while Sara's been working with me, I've been coaching
her business.

Last week, she had a three thousand dollar week. And
this week, she may do even better.

So the odd couple journeyed to the San Francisco Yoga
Journal Conference.

I was teaching a marketing conference at the same time
so I only got to attend Thursday and Friday.

I attended all day sessions on Thursday with Rodney Yee
and on Friday with David Swenson.

Sara and I saw the same conference but through different eyes.

She saw beauty and technique.

She saw mastery and creativity.

I saw a business explosion happening.

In the sales mart, anything that wasn't nailed down sold.

Clothing, books, DVD's, water bottles. If there was
a price tag on it - it sold.

And that is good news for yoga teachers.

Because the market is growing by the day.

Have you been by our site recently?

We've posted a video on how to get private clients at zero cost.

There's a new article posted.

And please join us in the forum to get your
yoga marketing questions answered.


Harlan and Sara


  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Dear Divine self
    Yoga follows two way communication i.e. master-disciple relationship. this means yoga teacher not only offers information but teaches by example and explore the areas of consciousness which creates trouble . he sets right these states first so that you do not take word"patient" as such but really become patient
    either you or your teacher , one of the two is wrong or right.
    discover while sitting , contemplating and decide what needs to be done
    remember Buddha which we all know , a great Yoga master , changed his master 26 times and got 27th teacher who brought enlightenment's for him.
    Janaka , a great yoga master , never thought o changing his master but changed his attitude and egoism which was blocking in his enlightenment.
    Vishwamitra , another master , left his kingdom and became a master after doing penance for 25 years
    dear divine soul, you have the potential and you can tread the path as you have posed a right question
    search within, become aware of factors responsible for problems and conflicts
    You can buy trousers in grocery shop
    ask yourself, have you gone to grocery shop to buy a trouser or some one like any teacher pushes you to buy a trouser in grocery shop
    it is two way communication
    let you become right, if other is not, will leave you in order start your search again
    Acharya Girish Jha

  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I have been running a new yoga studio for 4 months. I have keeping track of everything manually with a card system which works fine. I am looking to get a computer program. I have heard Wellworks and MindBody are great - but I don't want to have to spend $1200 a year for what should be a pretty straighforward program. Can you recommend any fantastic desktop solutions? I am familar with Dharam Tribe and Prana but am still looking for more options. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jonathan

  • At 6:14 PM, Blogger Jesse said…

    I am wondering if you ever come to Vancouver to teach your yoga workshops, and visit old friends. 8 )


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