Build Your Yoga Business

This blog will share tested marketing techniques that will help yoga teachers grow their business.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Odd Couple - Yogini and Marketer

Hi Yoga Teacher,

Sometimes being a student of yoga is so frustrating.
Sara my teacher keeps telling me to be patient. But
it sooo hard.

My employees used to joke that if you looked up the word
"multi-tasking" in the dictionary, you'd see my name as
the definition.

That's why yoga was so hard for me. Putting my brain
[and my ego] in park was very difficult.

Fortunately, I was putty is Sara's patient hands.

And while Sara's been working with me, I've been coaching
her business.

Last week, she had a three thousand dollar week. And
this week, she may do even better.

So the odd couple journeyed to the San Francisco Yoga
Journal Conference.

I was teaching a marketing conference at the same time
so I only got to attend Thursday and Friday.

I attended all day sessions on Thursday with Rodney Yee
and on Friday with David Swenson.

Sara and I saw the same conference but through different eyes.

She saw beauty and technique.

She saw mastery and creativity.

I saw a business explosion happening.

In the sales mart, anything that wasn't nailed down sold.

Clothing, books, DVD's, water bottles. If there was
a price tag on it - it sold.

And that is good news for yoga teachers.

Because the market is growing by the day.

Have you been by our site recently?

We've posted a video on how to get private clients at zero cost.

There's a new article posted.

And please join us in the forum to get your
yoga marketing questions answered.


Harlan and Sara

Our Yoga Videos Are Ready


We are delighted to report we have posted two important videos
to help you grow as a yoga teacher.

You are welcome to view these videos. They are viewed best on
a high speed connection (DSL or Cable) but will work (slowly)
on a telephone dial up.

One video explains our site

The other video offers a relatively unknown marketing method my partner Sara
is using which has pulled in many clients and thousands of dollars
in revenue.

Once you've seen the videos, register and participate in our forum
for yoga teachers.

(You are receiving this because you are already on our email list.)

Enjoy the videos.

Om Shanti Shanti Om.

Harlan Kilstein

Let's Build Your Yoga Business

It's Sara and Harlan from

We want to thank you for signing up for our newsletter.

We'd like to wish you a Happy New Year and pray this year
is filled with light, love, health, prosperity, and peace for everyone
in your life.

Our promise to you is to help you market your yoga business.

We have a number of proven ways you can grow your yoga business
and achieve true balance in your life.

Next week, we are going to release our first video showing you
a great new way to find clients who want to learn yoga.

The first time Sara used this strategy, her phone didn't stop
ringing with people wanting private lessons.

And here's the best part - it won't cost you a dime.

So get ready and excited.

While you are waiting for the video, we have started our

We invite you to come to our site
and go to the forum section.

So far, we have some welcome posts but our forum will grow - with
your help.

If you have any questions at all about marketing your yoga business,
please share them on the forum.

We are expecting to post several articles in the next few days
and hope they will help you grow.

Still to come...

Sara does some really nice work during Savasana and we expect to post
some recordings to the site so you can adapt them for your own work
or listen to them at the end of your yoga practice.

We look forward to serving you.


Sara and Harlan